If you haven’t read my memoir, LIFE INTERRUPTED, I want to share with you the following review you might find interesting. The book is timely as the problems she faced are ever present to this day, including our drug crisis. It was written by Clifford Neal.
“Marie Pinschmidt has outdone herself with this work. Not only is the material presented in an easy reading format that is constant throughout, but she brings real life to every page. I came away with a sense of having followed right behind her and a husand who was biggr than life.
Marie has given people everywhere a wonderful example of how life is supposed to be approached. The selfless nature of this couple’s character warms the heart and gives reason to want to get to know your neighbors better.
On a different level, she has pointed out with considerable clarity, the reality of life as it has become for those who are attempting to rear children in a society that presents such a muddy map for their little steps to follow. Regardless of how well a set of parents may do their job in molding the character of their children, there are forces at work that will always stand against what is right and good.
Attempting to rad adopted children carries far greater difficulty for many people that is realized and the effects of negatives in the developmental process can be devasting for the parents and, perhaps, even more so to the children. The unknown and untold effects of emotional pressure upon a person’s health have been clearly recognized in this wonderfully expressed story.
None of us know what lies around the corner of time or what effect that unknown will have upon the very core of our lives. This being so, we all could learn some very valuable lessons from this brilliantly shared story of love, tragedy and human endurance. Marie is a survivor and her story could help you become one also.
I wholeheartedly recommend this beautiful work of art.” Clifford Neal
After re-reading this review, and deeply disturbed regarding the deadly use of Fentanyl an other drugs by our young and old alike, I felt compelled to again bring LIFE INTERRUPTED to the forefront. This memoir as well as my novels are available on Amazon, etc.
I hope the book will help you deal with any loss you are personally feeling as it has many others. Thank you for listening.