We all have our likes and dislikes. The following is a portion of my book – OUTTA MY MIND and Into Your Heart. I hope you enjoy it.

I like bank statements that balance and piggy banks that rattle.
I like the beginning and ending of storms but not the middle.
I like hills splashed with color in autumn, the naked sculpture of trees in winter, and the pea green of spring.
I like to pick ripened fruit from trees.
I like to walk in dense woods and search for Mayapples and tiny ferns.
I like to watch the faces of children in zoos, and when they hold baby chicks or puppies.
I like people who don’t assume that something is true; learn the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I like visitors I’m happy to see and sorry when they leave.
I like soft lights and sweet music that moves me, and lyric I can understand.
I like the sound of doorbells but not leaf blowers.
I like trees but not tree removers.
I like the quiet of libraries and churches.
I like to lie beneath trees and gaze through the sky holes at clouds.
I like the chirping of birds and the playfulness of squirrels.
I like long-legged birds on land and fish under the sea.
I like sunshine and gentle breezes that ruffle my hair.
I like a tinkling piano in the quiet of night.
I like to see the name of a friend on my ringing phone or an unexpected meeting at the grocery store.
I like people who abhor evil and put aside their own desires to help others.
I like wisdom and learning new things.
I like the whistle of a far-off train and the call of a nightingale.
I like chips from a bag but not chips on shoulders.
I like people who look me in the eye when talking.
I like bouquets of flowers that look as if they don’t care.
I like to kiss babies on the back of the neck and their tiny toes.
I like the softness of a baby’s skin and the wrinkles of old people.
I like exotic orchids but I also like a field of wild yellow mustard.

I challenge you to make your own list to get acquainted with the real you. Let me know if you enjoy this. Next time I will give you a list of WHAT I LOVE.